Thursday, September 24, 2009


It must have been a rainy day when you were born because the heavens were crying because it had lost its most beautiful angel. God gave a wonderful gift to the world in the form of you; a person who loves and cares, who sees a person's need and fills it, who encourages and lifts people up, who spends energy on others rather than herself, who touches each life she enters & makes a difference in the world. I have always seen you as an inspirational figure; someone who is young at heart, someone who wipes the tears of others, someone who inspires everyone around her and someone who is a great buddy. May the love you have shown to others return to you multiplied...I just hope that this day brings all your dreams you dream of come true and give you all the things which make you the happiest. Hope this day is as special as you are.

~Ruchi (angelina)